SecureCore Blog: Your Guide to Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Planning
Welcome to the SecureCore Blog!
At SecureCore, we understand the importance of being prepared for any emergency or disaster. Our blog is a dedicated resource for property managers, maintenance technicians and corporate teams seeking expert advice on disaster planning and crisis management. Dive into our library of informative and educational articles designed to keep you ahead of the curve in emergency readiness.

How to Evacuate a High-Rise Building
When asked, most people would say that they should "stop, drop, and roll" if their clothes caught fire. There are a few other basic rules most people know to follow, such as crawling on the ground because smoke rises. But many residents of apartment buildings are...

How to Inventory Property Before & After Disaster for Insurance Claims
Imagine this: today is the day after your apartment caught on fire and you lost most of your possessions – clothes, bedding, TVs and computers, jewelry, or perhaps family heirlooms. You have to purchase replacement items and are wondering how you will afford to...

When and How to Shelter in Place
It’s always best to be prepared for an emergency. No one can argue against that. That’s why schools and places of business teach "stop-drop-and-roll" and perform periodic fire drills, and why you should always have a family evacuation plan in case of fire. Some parts...

How to Handle Three Common Emergencies in Rental Communities
No matter how hard we try, it's impossible to be prepared for every single scenario. But that's certainly no reason to not try. Having easy-to-access emergency response procedures and recovery solutions is essential to help ensure the safety of your residents and your...

How to Design an Effective Disaster Drill
Have you thought about disaster preparedness drills for your property? Being prepared for a disaster can make all the difference when one actually occurs. Ensuring that you have adequate plans in place, which everyone can quickly access and that everyone has run...

How to Evacuate a High-Rise Building
When asked, most people would say that they should "stop, drop, and roll" if their clothes caught fire. There are a few other basic rules most people know to follow, such as crawling on the ground because smoke rises. But many residents of apartment buildings are...

How to Inventory Property Before & After Disaster for Insurance Claims
Imagine this: today is the day after your apartment caught on fire and you lost most of your possessions – clothes, bedding, TVs and computers, jewelry, or perhaps family heirlooms. You have to purchase replacement items and are wondering how you will afford to...

When and How to Shelter in Place
It’s always best to be prepared for an emergency. No one can argue against that. That’s why schools and places of business teach "stop-drop-and-roll" and perform periodic fire drills, and why you should always have a family evacuation plan in case of fire. Some parts...

How to Handle Three Common Emergencies in Rental Communities
No matter how hard we try, it's impossible to be prepared for every single scenario. But that's certainly no reason to not try. Having easy-to-access emergency response procedures and recovery solutions is essential to help ensure the safety of your residents and your...

How to Design an Effective Disaster Drill
Have you thought about disaster preparedness drills for your property? Being prepared for a disaster can make all the difference when one actually occurs. Ensuring that you have adequate plans in place, which everyone can quickly access and that everyone has run...