SecureCore Blog: Your Guide to Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Planning
Welcome to the SecureCore Blog!
At SecureCore, we understand the importance of being prepared for any emergency or disaster. Our blog is a dedicated resource for property managers, maintenance technicians and corporate teams seeking expert advice on disaster planning and crisis management. Dive into our library of informative and educational articles designed to keep you ahead of the curve in emergency readiness.

Disaster Simulations Can Be One Of The Best Teaching Aids
You can picture the scene clearly – another continuing education class, complete with a PowerPoint presentation, some handouts, a notebook, and a pen…. and lunch provided. The instructor is talking at length about the topic at hand – maybe it’s “Operational Budgets”...

The Perfect Storm: The Great Resignation, Hurricane Season and Your Outdated Insurance Policy
Have you ever stopped to wonder what all three of these have in common? Or how they could impact one another – and YOU? These are three ingredients to a perfect storm... Ingredient # 1: The Great Resignation The Great Resignation is undoubtedly a term you have heard...

Did you know? Hurricane Terms You Probably Don’t Know, But Should
You’ve probably seen a weather news story or two that has made you scratch your head and wonder what the heck they are talking about. Like a lot of industries, the weather world sometimes seems to have a language of its own – making it tricky to understand what to...

How to prepare for hurricanes: procedures and best practices for the Mid-Atlantic Region
You’ve been watching the news loosely for a few days now, and the warnings keep getting more and more intense. There is a hurricane forecasted to hit the East Coast, and a high probability that your area, and your property, will be impacted. You begin to feel anxious...

Fundamentals on how to Avoid and Respond to Mold Growth
Let’s start with a riddle: What is something that already exists everywhere in our natural world, but no one wants to EVER find in their property or home? If you guessed MOLD – you guessed correctly. Mold is a naturally occurring fungi that grows on organic...

Disaster Simulations Can Be One Of The Best Teaching Aids
You can picture the scene clearly – another continuing education class, complete with a PowerPoint presentation, some handouts, a notebook, and a pen…. and lunch provided. The instructor is talking at length about the topic at hand – maybe it’s “Operational Budgets”...

The Perfect Storm: The Great Resignation, Hurricane Season and Your Outdated Insurance Policy
Have you ever stopped to wonder what all three of these have in common? Or how they could impact one another – and YOU? These are three ingredients to a perfect storm... Ingredient # 1: The Great Resignation The Great Resignation is undoubtedly a term you have heard...

Did you know? Hurricane Terms You Probably Don’t Know, But Should
You’ve probably seen a weather news story or two that has made you scratch your head and wonder what the heck they are talking about. Like a lot of industries, the weather world sometimes seems to have a language of its own – making it tricky to understand what to...

How to prepare for hurricanes: procedures and best practices for the Mid-Atlantic Region
You’ve been watching the news loosely for a few days now, and the warnings keep getting more and more intense. There is a hurricane forecasted to hit the East Coast, and a high probability that your area, and your property, will be impacted. You begin to feel anxious...

Fundamentals on how to Avoid and Respond to Mold Growth
Let’s start with a riddle: What is something that already exists everywhere in our natural world, but no one wants to EVER find in their property or home? If you guessed MOLD – you guessed correctly. Mold is a naturally occurring fungi that grows on organic...