You’ve probably seen a weather news story or two that has made you scratch your head and wonder what the heck they are talking about. Like a lot of industries, the weather world sometimes seems to have a language of its own – making it tricky to understand what to...
You’ve been watching the news loosely for a few days now, and the warnings keep getting more and more intense. There is a hurricane forecasted to hit the East Coast, and a high probability that your area, and your property, will be impacted. You begin to feel anxious...
Resident and employee education is key to ensuring the proper preventative measures are taken and that any required reactive measures are appropriately managed. Below is a summary of best practices as outlined by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), OSHA, and the...
SecureCore is committed to providing our clients with disaster software to plan ahead for onsite disaster management and online disaster plans. Having a fresh, functional, and mobile-friendly website allows our customers to access a wealth of information about our...